Global Warming

Resultado de imagen para global warming
Resultado de imagen para global warmingGlobal warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to greenhouse gases that collect in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up.
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Greenhouse gases keep heat close to the earth’s surface making it livable for humans and animals. However, global warming is happening largely due to an over-emittance of these gases and fossil fuels (natural oil, gasoline, coal). 

 Resultado de imagen para global warming cars With the start of industry in the 1700's, humans began emitting more fossil fuels from coal, oil, and gas to run our cars, trucks, and factories. By driving a “smarter” car, you will not only save on gas, but help prevent global warming.
Resultado de imagen para stop global warming Resultado de imagen para stop global warming
Heat waves caused by global warming present greater risk of heat-related illness and death, most frequently among people who have diabetes who are elderly or are very young
Resultado de imagen para global warming china

Resultado de imagen para global warming china       Resultado de imagen para global warming people

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have
 shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

       Resultado de imagen para global warming ice
              Resultado de imagen para global warming plants      Resultado de imagen para global warming plants

Resultado de imagen para global warming earth   While most climate change generally happens slowly over time, there is evidence that episodes of rapid cooling have occurred in the past, with temperatures falling dramatically over periods of 10 to 20 years. Scientists have found evidence that this has happened at least twice within the past 12,700 years.

Resultado de imagen para global warming phrases

Resultado de imagen para global warming phrases

Why is climate change happening?

Resultado de imagen para global warming phrases What can we do to stop climate change?

Resultado de imagen para stop global warming
Resultado de imagen para stop global warming


  1. We need to analyze the difficult situation in which we are, we are destroying our planet and we should change our actions. For example, I begin to recycle each material I have because it will avoid cutting trees and I contribute to help our planet. I give the correct use of the nature resources, too.

  2. We can to change our way to think and star to think to save our planet....

  3. I always try to recycle as much as I can. But I'm disapointed to see that we are not many people doing this. What´s the point on separating the trash at home when the dustmen comes and mixs all together again! Adults should be teaching children on how to save our planet. :(

  4. We have to stop throwing garbage, planting trees and avoid using products that can damage our planet.

  5. It is necessary start working to help our planet making little actions as
    Recycling or reusing the plastic things. It could be also practicing the classification of garbage.


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